Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Magnolia Fragrance: My gift from Thailand

Wake up like this! 

Travelling is a never ending affair that leaves behind its trace long after we bid goodbye! The affair with the city does not end and we end up bringing a part of that city with us. One such strong moment that has stayed with me is the fragrance of Magnolia in Thailand. I fell in love with the exotic, sweet, earthly and pleasant fragrance of magnolia that enamoured my senses. The first time I was introduced to the fragrance I felt magically enthralled by it like I was kissed by my first love on a rainy day. The fragrance is so sensual and earthly that I could not stop myself from picking everything related to magnolia. I found a small shop in Bangkok at the main street market that sold small bottles of authentic magnolia oil for 35 baht. There were other fragrant oils too but my interest was in the enchanting magnolia. My friend Joy who I knew for a long time at the University in England made was from Thailand and she made sure that I am only taken to the  best places in Thailand. Little did she know that my obsession with this fragrance would drive her nuts! She took me to this amazingly cute place called Omoi Zakka shop which is in the center of Bangkok. It is a warm and cozy place that has insanely attractive products from souveniers, fragrances to special products. I found a really interesting Diary, Magnolia candles and oil. There was so much to explore!

Contemporary set up

We entered a local store after our long car drive as we were out of wipes. My friend picked a packet of chips and some biscuits and while she was busy picking random food items my eyes caught the attention of Magnolia shampoo. I was drawn to the beauty section and ended up shopping for magnolia shampoo and conditioner. Incense sticks have never excited me so much as my Indian mother has always stocked quite a few in her house. However this time I was drawn to them only because the incense sticks had my favourite fragrance. We quietly got into the car after I picked all the products possible and my friend took me to visit her grandmother; upon our arrival at their house the grandmother said "Oh so we have a thai girl here!" She could see how much I adored the thai culture and my first day was a truly memorable one indeed. Oriental culture has always intrigued me and it already feels like home when you address your friend's parents as Mumma and Papa because the culture is so close knit. 

Even today I keep the small bottle of Magnolia Oil in my bag and it reminds me of my sweet affair with my enchanting land of Thailand.  
Omoi Zakka Shop

Sunday, 18 October 2015

My love with Coventry

There are few places that can make you feel so nostalgic and every place has a story. I visited Coventry University where I graduated and realized how much I missed this place. Every corner came to haunt me and remind me of a special story I had at this very place. While experiencing a bittersweet romance we hardly realize how important something starts to be in your life. All you probably manage to do is get totally lost in the picturesque moments painted every single day. I went to the bridge and sat down thinking why few stories do not work. Why few stories manage to whisper an honest getaway but seem empty after a while. It was difficult for me to come back to Coventry again; perhaps there are so many students like me who have their memorable University Stories in Coventry. The city will never be wiped out of your memory because it forms part of your youthful years when every day disappears and before you realize it is time to graduate! I took some time to let the nostalgia sink in and observe young students flock Quids Inn. I overheard a pretty brunette with dark brown eyes and shoulder length hair talk to her cute Asian friend.

“Probably he must be so happy with what happened yesterday. Maybe he feels “I need him”. He must think I am really silly. I cannot imagine we are strangers now after being together for so long.” The young Asian Girl stared at her friend and said one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard in my life. “It is interesting how you like to believe that there is no word like care and everything someone does has to be the right or the wrong way. I like to believe you are not that silly, you have not sold your soul and etched hopeless stories over them. You know why stories are hopeless? Because they have indifference! Sometimes we feel we walked away from a place long time ago; the truth is we are still strolling across the crossroad hoping for someone to hold our hand. No one holds that hand until you lean and look around. Maybe nights would not be that messed up; you would not wake up in the middle of the night hoping everything vanishes! Maybe you would stop hiding behind the three letter word “You” and remove the mask. Don’t pity yourself for being vulnerable!”

I was so awestruck at what I heard. Suddenly it made me realize how Coventry gave me a familiar sense of belonging and still made me feel like it belongs to me and I belong to this place. It made me realize how people have compelling stories and moments to share that can be grasped when you decide to be a silent spectator like I did today. Coventry gave me a souvenir in the form of noteworthy words that I will always remember! 

My never ending love with Coventry

Whisper Tree


Picture source: http://www.freefoto.com/